Rabu, 30 November 2011

Last song

if the trail is then blown by the wind
where they will bring it not to quiet
is not there you will find silence,
where all the wounds you change a flower
so if you feel that this is just a hopeless,
waiting for just the same sense that never arrived
if it only hurts just hope ,,,please go
maybe you could see the sun there, after a long cloudy umbrella
so,,, please go leave me in a cocoon of silence,
only the last song will be accompanied, perhaps it is better for this self

hmm,, tired isn't it?, dancing in silence without a sound
such as wind loss leaves
such as loss of overcast cloud
such as loss of beach waves
tired isn't it?
so please leave. that life can only reap the hollow of the day
maybe its better for you,
as good as the last song is about loneliness poems are reluctant to lose
when hatred is only a way to understand how much love and sincerity,
the only way back to be empty

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